All tagged communication

News Anchor Face

No matter what communication skill I’m helping people with, I always teach people the pleasantly interested news anchor face. It’s the smallest investment with the biggest return. If you just think about what you want the other person to know, make sure your face matches that truth. You won’t look like a big clown, or Pollyanna, or anything other than that you are listening.

Communication Lessons from my Dad

It strikes me that any one of these communication qualities that I listed is a game-changer for the people around us. There are the rare people, like my dad, who have many admirable communication habits, but if you have any one of these and are maybe working on another, then you are in a strong position to show Jesus to others. 

Identity Quake

My prayer for all of us is that we are so secure in Christ’s love and acceptance, that it changes what we think about others, changes the very words we choose during the most difficult of times, with the most difficult people, and when we feel the most defensive. 

For or From

I’m no Bible scholar and don’t pretend to add much to what has already been said about Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. But as I read these scriptures through my communication-evangelist eyes, I can’t help but see a beautiful picture of what a believer is.


It’s time to stop being mad about what people aren’t doing and ask for what you need. I mean it. I’m like a broken record out here as I’m coaching people through conflict. “Just ask,” I say, over and over.

Prove It

When the stakes are high, the words that come out of our mouths are our strongest witness, only trumped by our nonverbal communication. For this article, I’m going to focus on the words.

Unleash the Awesome

I’ve promoted myself from the communication evangelist to the unleasher of the awesome. The promotion is well deserved, not because of my awesomeness, but because of yours.

No Words

We can get so paralyzed by the complications, the insecurities, the fears, the bruises from past failures, our defenses and the many other things that make up life’s big ball of yarn.