In the current election season I have felt a pressing need to address the people of God and urge them to speak and act in a way that represents Jesus.
In the current election season I have felt a pressing need to address the people of God and urge them to speak and act in a way that represents Jesus.
What we do with our wealth reveals what we believe about Christ. Wealth is nothing when it is not used in love and in light of our neighbor.
Let God hear you, restore you, and bring you hope. Call out to God and run TO Him. He is waiting to receive you with open arms!
Kids are under intense pressure and stress. Due to their limited vocabulary and inability to express themselves, kids experiencing stress are often overlooked.
Spiritually, revival is not something one can do. I can restore a house, rebuild a car, or renew an old orchard. However, when it comes to congregational life, revival is God’s work alone.
We recently sat down for virtual conversations with our church host (Chris Benjamin) and our breakout session leaders (Mark Hamilton, Grady King, John Knox, Roland Orr, and David Wray).
Perhaps we need to commit to be more faithful in sharing not only the good news of Jesus, but the good news about what God has done in our lives.
Our hope and our expectations are in Christ and from Christ. Above all else, the Gospel shapes our lives—our identity, our character, our actions, our interactions, our priorities.
God deeply desires our presence. God never makes it difficult to experience His presence, but we can make it hard through our “spiritual A.D.D.”
Don’t miss out on the best things because you won’t get in there and deal with difficult things. Sometimes, if people will just stay in the room, it will be enough.
Faith is the key, not how good we are. Rahab was not delivered because she was good, but because of her faith.
It’s so easy to think of others as our enemies. We can give in to the impulse to demonize, to withdraw, or to insult. What if we followed Polycarp’s example by finding ways to show hospitality?
Discipleship is not just leading others through teaching, sermons, or reprimands. A great mentor creates space for other Christians to experience God and grow with him.
Our one clear allegiance is to God and to God’s agenda in the world, not to media agendas, political rhetoric, or social movements that paint themselves with some Christian hues in an effort to access the power of human kingdoms.
God created us with these various skills in order to bring glory to Him in unique ways. So everything we do, we must do with a ministry mindset. Everything we do gives evidence for God. Everything we do gives glory to God.
It’s time to stop being mad about what people aren’t doing and ask for what you need. I mean it. I’m like a broken record out here as I’m coaching people through conflict. “Just ask,” I say, over and over.
Speak truth. Share your experience. Take them with you. That is how mentors raise the next generation of leaders.
Koinonia means we share, in equal parts, the instability of our humanity and the security of our identity in Christ; trusting God looks like trusting people.
No one should ever have to stand alone in their suffering or their shame. Instead, we need to become a safe harbor for those who are floundering; this is our sacred calling.
We recently sat down for virtual conversations with our keynote speaker (Don McLaughlin) and our breakout session leaders (Cheryl Bacon, Eddie Sharp, Dennis Conner, Omar Palafox, and Carson Reed).