When we offer forgiveness it is not of benefit to that person, but instead we can see the true benefit to ourselves of forgiveness
When we offer forgiveness it is not of benefit to that person, but instead we can see the true benefit to ourselves of forgiveness
Throughout the holiday season I’ve been in the learner’s seat for a very practical lesson, but one that has large implications. It’s time I had some classmates.
The church is not a building. Never has been. The church is people. But it seems like almost every community of faith I know is either trying to build or remodel a building.
Before we look towards 2024, we’d like to take a moment to remember and reflect on some of the articles posted throughout the year.
Waiting is a major theme of Scripture. God is always faithful to his people… yet he often seems to keep them waiting.
Do you know what your church is actually good at? What your congregation’s core strength is? What key value underlies the heartbeat of your faith community?
Congregational leaders can study congregational life, the decline of Christianity, and the aging of their church, yet they miss the most important thing of all.
No matter what feelings the holidays bring up for you, I pray you have a moment where time stands still, and the love of heaven descends upon you.
The “where” to put the baptistry really isn't that big of a deal. We will always find water. A pool. A hot tub. A stock tank. A cattle trough. We will find water.
The intent of these little pocket phrases is simply to equip you with a diplomatic way to open the lines of communication and to acknowledge that everyone has a point of view worth hearing.
Our true identity is not found in a man, or in their roles, titles, jobs, beauty, intelligence, accomplishments, or children. True identity is found in Jesus Christ. Period.
Because Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12), we become a beacon when we live according to his statutes and commands and act as his hands and feet.
What kept Paul’s fire for Christ burning even in his old age? I believe it was the conviction of his calling. He knew exactly who he was and what he existed for.
The time is short. In the military, you often get 18-30 months to make a difference where you are assigned. Depending on your faith tradition, the timeline is often the same.
As churches seek to support the development of a lifelong embedded faith, it will undoubtedly be a journey that requires perseverance and a willingness to challenge practices.
Our ability to enter into His presence with thanksgiving and praise comes only from His power within us. Often, we find that the cards we have been dealt could never warrant thanksgiving or praise.
During The Siburt Institute’s recent Summit on the ACU campus, Illinois author and Wheaton College professor Esau McCaulley challenged the audience with a courageous word of hope.
Quit playing around with your sin. Stop it. Cut it off at the source. Be radical in stopping your addictions. Stop rationalizing and making excuses
I learned something that day. My daughter’s actions reminded me that it is not important what others think about you. What is important is who you really are.
When we enter into the lives of our churches and church members, may we bring the same love and joy that God designed each of us to have and to become.