Do Not Let Baby Jesus Become Jesus Lite

Do Not Let Baby Jesus Become Jesus Lite

Everybody loves a baby, and baby Jesus is no exception. We are coming into that time of year when our culture is actually aware of Jesus.  You will see manger scenes in yards and on mantles.  Buttons are worn announcing, “Jesus is the reason for the season.” Churches make sure you hear about baby Jesus. Live nativity scenes.  Christmas plays and programs.  Baby dolls, or live babies, and swaddling clothes all to represent baby Jesus.  Cute, and sweet, and precious.

Who doesn’t like Christmas and baby Jesus?

And I think church leaders need to very careful about the message we send.

Because if baby Jesus is all we present, we are showing a “lite” version of Jesus. After all, babies make no demands. 

So if we are not careful, we leave Jesus in that manger.

Do not let baby Jesus become Jesus lite.

Jesus did not come to be the center of a nativity scene, and he did not come to be the main character in a play so we could be impressed with how sweet our own children are.

Baby Jesus grew up. He grew up to die on a cross for our sins and be raised to sit at God’s right hand.

Baby Jesus came to be our Savior. That baby is the way, the truth, and the life.

The real Christmas story is not baby Jesus.

Maybe the real Christmas story is that baby Jesus grew up.

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