Who Is God Connecting You To?

Who Is God Connecting You To?

Paul in 2 Corinthians talks about our partnering in the work of reconciliation in this world. We are God’s ambassadors carrying the message of salvation to a lost world. But how exactly does that work? Are we ambassadors at large? Do we have a specific target group like Paul with the Gentiles? Or does God have individuals that he expects us to make into disciples?

Does God hear and know that specific people are seeking him? And does he connect them with believers that are expected to tell them the Jesus story? After all, that is exactly what he did several times in Acts.

There was the Ethiopian official that learned of the one true God and came all the way to Jerusalem to worship him. The Holy Spirit connected Phillip to him. He became a Christian and went on his way rejoicing.

Saul, the persecutor of the Way, encountered Jesus on the way to Damascus. God connected Ananias to him. He became a believer and began his amazing ministry of reconciliation to the Gentiles.

Cornelius was a good man who believed in God and was very generous, but he did not know Jesus. God connected Peter with Cornelius and his family. They became Christians.

I believe there are seekers all around us. Believers in God who do not know about Jesus. People who have wondered what happened to the baby Jesus after Christmas. Good people, bad people, confused people, and people with questions. Friends, neighbors, co-workers, classmates, teammates, and church visitors.

God’s answer to their seeking is to connect them to one of his believers – maybe even you. So follow up on that urge to invite someone for a meal, to ask them to church, to pray for them, to tell them you would love to share a story with them, to answer questions about Jesus, or to read the Bible with them.

Who in your world is God connecting you to who needs Jesus?

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