Merry Christmas All Year Long

Merry Christmas All Year Long

Yes, I absolutely am that person. I love Christmas so much that I celebrate it all year long. Here is how I make that work for me.

Christmas is a great time for family. It’s a big, glorious celebration with those born into our family and those who came in by marriage. We celebrate the new births, and we remember those who are no longer with us.

I have a large family with whom I do life all year long. We call our family church, but we do the same things: enjoy being together, celebrate new births, remember those no longer with us, and remind each other that we will all be together again. Forever.

I love to eat at Christmas, gathering around the table with laughter, stories, and great joy at being together. Jesus centered much of our church life on eating together—fellowship meals, small group meetings, church potlucks, sharing life and food. Every Sunday we even have a special meal together to remind us that Jesus came into our world and into our lives. And he will do so again someday.

I like giving and receiving gifts. But I am more of a giver. We give gifts to our family and cook treats for our neighbors. That is why church fits me so well. I grew up learning to give and to serve others. And to receive from others when I am in need. All year long.

I love the sappy Christmas movies where life always turns out for the best. But I get to be involved in that narrative all year long. In real people, not just actors in a movie. I get to watch Jesus change lives and heal relationships, and to see people find joy, peace, hope, love, and purpose in Jesus.

And I love baby Jesus. I love that he grew up and died on a cross for my sins. Then God raised him from the dead. I love it so much that I have built my life and my family around that truth.

So I love Christmas. I love that Jesus is not just the reason for the season, but the reason for life.

All day, every day. All year long.

Family, fun, gifts, eating, lives changed. Hope, peace, joy, and love.

Christmas all year long.

Because of Jesus.

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