God adopted the unadoptable—you and me. He did not care for our defects and disabilities. He just wanted to make us members of His family, to be our Father again, to make us His beloved children again.
All tagged family
God adopted the unadoptable—you and me. He did not care for our defects and disabilities. He just wanted to make us members of His family, to be our Father again, to make us His beloved children again.
It strikes me that any one of these communication qualities that I listed is a game-changer for the people around us. There are the rare people, like my dad, who have many admirable communication habits, but if you have any one of these and are maybe working on another, then you are in a strong position to show Jesus to others.
One of the most common desires I heard from so many people really came down to the same request from God: we wanted His presence.
God says that we are his children. We are no longer orphans or nameless. We do belong. If you are one of his children, God has given you his name.
No matter what feelings the holidays bring up for you, I pray you have a moment where time stands still, and the love of heaven descends upon you.
God’s ideal of family relationships is mutual subjection without any kind of discrimination as expressed in Ephesians 5:21, exercising it from the perspective of the new creation that Christ has inaugurated.
As spiritual leaders, it is important that we stay firmly grounded. After all, we do not want our people being led by someone who is blown sideways by every sly or crafty doctrine that comes along.
ACU is in its 116th year of Summit, and this spring’s edition focuses on the living word of God and the impact it has on our churches, our ministries, and our lives.
In short, decide what matters to your church. Then do what it takes to further that approach.
Sometimes as we are facing difficult things, our manner in doing so impacts more people than we know. We must live faithfully.
Imagine that you are happily married at age twenty. What would you do if, by age thirty, you became widowed and penniless, and a parent to a dozen children?
It’s that time of the year when I, along with the Philadelphia Community Bail Fund, work to liberate as many Black mothers out of jail as we can for Mother’s Day.
I don’t want the message of this post to be only that we pray, but also about what it means to genuinely connect with God as a family.
Richard Blaisdell just retired after over 40 years of ministry. And we need more preachers like Richard. Here are four things preachers need to learn from his life and ministry.
The church family creates proximity to Jesus and a centralizing focus on him, until his identity becomes clear to all in the circle.
How might we feel sorry in ways that reveal the flood-to-cross character of God, and reflect this to the world around us?
Special days and seasons tend to have a polarizing effect on our emotions and spiritual lives. Do you feel this every year too?
I want to offer some concrete suggestions on how to provide spiritual care and support to members of your communities whose loved ones are affected by dementias/cognitive impairments and/or in living facilities during this time of heightened precautions.
This final article offers findings from a survey of seven individual Churches of Christ, including two open-ended questions.
If you share a house with family members or roommates, then do family church instead of (or in addition to) online church.