These are my top five reasons that I have stayed in ministry. This isn’t the final word, but I do think that these are things that every person in full-time ministry needs to some degree.
These are my top five reasons that I have stayed in ministry. This isn’t the final word, but I do think that these are things that every person in full-time ministry needs to some degree.
Jesus was inviting them out of their fear and scarcity mindset to one of abundance. Rather than seeing the scarcity of the moment, Jesus invited them to see the not-yet-visible abundance of the kingdom of God.
Folk who study congregations speak of congregations having a “life cycle.” If you’re thinking that your church might be one of them, let’s take a deeper look.
God’s ideal of family relationships is mutual subjection without any kind of discrimination as expressed in Ephesians 5:21, exercising it from the perspective of the new creation that Christ has inaugurated.
Why does my ministry exist? This might seem like an overly simple question, but I think it isn’t just valid but essential. What role does my ministry play in the Kingdom of God?
When we intentionally choose to name the blessings in our lives, we engage in a transformational experience. It gives us a lens through which we will begin to see life and God differently.
If you find that you absolutely must get a particular job, then you end up broadcasting a message to a search team (and just about everyone else) that they must affirm you and validate your plans for the future.
There are various methods that churches can use to search for and hire ministry staff. Regardless of which process is used, all of us in the kingdom of heaven benefit when we share our best practices for hiring.
You can either work on the conflict or get over it. Pick one. Surely the relationship means more to you than being right about what someone should have done.
We are a living example. 50 years. Any couple who makes 50 years is worth watching. How did they make it? What did they do? Here are a few things you will see in us that will help you.
Sometimes we exalt others for their skill in ministry, whether as great preachers or talented musicians or wonderful prayer leaders, but we end up exalting the person rather than remembering to give thanks to the God who gave those gifts.
The missional call is not doing what you already do at a better or more creative level. It’s joining people where they are, bringing the love of Jesus with you, and allowing the Spirit of God to form Christian community.
Adopt the attitude of a small child. Rely on our heavenly Father. Reaching up to take hold of his hand, you can let him guide you through the storm.
When the church fails in its efforts to preach the gospel and make disciples for Christ, it is because it rushes—because it does not wait sufficiently.
It is for people who want to follow Jesus, but aren't sure how to go about it. And it is for people who may have gotten off the Jesus road and want to come back.
The body of Christ cannot be idle in its efforts to cultivate unity. If the body of Christ is going to function to the fullest, the body must be one.
God is not done with us. It will take time, and God wants to take that time with us—to form us, conform us, and transform us.
As Christians grounded in an integrity that is developed in Christ, there is healing power and witness in bringing that presence to those who are searching, hurting, disenchanted, or wounded from spiritual abuse.
The reason to know about God in the past is so that we can recognize the action of God today.
As a coach/teacher/mentor/leader, Jesus simply did what most preachers/pastors do on Sunday mornings: he offered invitations. Invitations are great because they empower their recipients to respond while still sharing truth.