I find myself so busy that I often neglect my own spiritual development and renewal. Can I give to others what I am not currently experiencing myself?
I find myself so busy that I often neglect my own spiritual development and renewal. Can I give to others what I am not currently experiencing myself?
When leadership fulfills its role, churches grow not only numerically but also in knowledge and spiritual maturity, which results in unity and peace. Otherwise, contentions and divisions take place.
When we face the unknown, we are demonstrating a different type of faith to the world, and we may have the opportunity to share about how God has been faithful in our lives and the lives of others in the past.
It could mean that small teams of pioneering Christians would leave their church buildings and go where non-church-goers gather. They would build relationships, meet real needs, and slowly share about Jesus.
I may or may not agree with everything every congregation or college in Abilene is doing, but I sure hope they all talk to everyone they can about Jesus.
As I’ve been reminded over and over during the last few months of studying the prophets, God’s plan of redemption is powerful, a solid promise, and a far, far cry from the often-hijacked definition of success.
So, even if we pass through the waters, even if we walk through fire, we can find rest in knowing that God has chosen us, redeemed us, and won the battle for us.
How is my own practice of Christian faith shaping my values, attitudes, and behaviors? Decline certainly calls for renewal. Yet renewal begins with me.
Tell how God’s work has been displayed in scripture, in your own life, and in the lives of others. These stories, even the old ones, are worth telling because of the eternal impact they can make.
We work for the maturation of God’s people, helping them to grow in their Christlikeness in every aspect of their lives.
As church leaders, we can’t limit our thinking to week-to-week activities and plans. Think about what you want your church to be in twenty years and plant that tree today!
If Jesus is God, if he is the ONLY way to salvation, and if we declare his lordship over our lives, then this is not just a matter of belief; it must be a matter of becoming, our daily lives TRANSFORM.
As spiritual leaders, it is important that we stay firmly grounded. After all, we do not want our people being led by someone who is blown sideways by every sly or crafty doctrine that comes along.
But if you have brought these experiences to the feet of Jesus and continue to experience his grace, forgiveness, and renewal, then those experiences can be the very things that give our ministry life, breath, and breadth.
We lose sleep over what to do with our ministries and our organizations. Yet we have forgotten—and we simply ignore—the one thing that really matters; the presence of God among his people.
ACU is in its 116th year of Summit, and this spring’s edition focuses on the living word of God and the impact it has on our churches, our ministries, and our lives.
Allowing people to look at our lives and wonder about God puts us in a front row seat to see how He touches people and how the kingdom can grow. It gives us the opportunity to share our faith.
My prayer for all of us is that we are so secure in Christ’s love and acceptance, that it changes what we think about others, changes the very words we choose during the most difficult of times, with the most difficult people, and when we feel the most defensive.
Rather than focusing their attention on improving worship, the sermon, or their meeting hall, the Church of Scotland hopes to train members to start new forms of Christian communities in their backyards, on hiking trails, or in their garages.