Over the years, I have realized that there are certain things that I need to remember and reflect on during this journey of vision, leadership, and missional engagement.
All in Discipleship
Over the years, I have realized that there are certain things that I need to remember and reflect on during this journey of vision, leadership, and missional engagement.
Sometimes as we are facing difficult things, our manner in doing so impacts more people than we know. We must live faithfully.
There are people… well, that I have a hard time forgiving. In fact, sometimes forgiving others is the hardest part of my Christian life.
Our posture is much deeper than a physical posture (sitting, standing, kneeling, etc.). It is a deep inner posture toward God or away from Him. Is our heart and spirit turned toward Him?
Grief is real, but so is hope. And hope in Jesus carries us through the grief all the way home.
Moral injury can cause us to turn inwards due to guilt, grief, or shame. Lament exposes dark deeds to the light and brings God’s mercy and grace to bear.
Tabitha obviously served with love, and that love was sensed by those who were beneficiaries. She lived out her faith in a tangible way that blessed others.
Imagine that you are happily married at age twenty. What would you do if, by age thirty, you became widowed and penniless, and a parent to a dozen children?
Knowledge has power, but only when it is put to use. If this is the case, we must ask ourselves what we are doing with the knowledge we have of Christ.
We know the value of good companionship, right? For some of us, we have made it through the past two years of pandemic life precisely because of our companions.
I’m not sufficient unto myself. Without God, I am nothing! We will never be content in ourselves. We only find ourselves when we lose ourselves.
I love talking with people who are genuinely passionate about an art form. The comments and energy that surface come from a place deeper than productivity or even functionality.
The heart wants what it wants. This phrase is tossed around, defending the behaviors and choices of the world around us.
People are desperate to be understood, and listening is the most validating thing you can do for another human being.
By loving the way God loves and acting as God would act, our resemblance becomes so great that it leaves no doubt we are the children of God.
I want to share with you how to become more available and aware of God’s presence in your life through his Spirit. It’s like connecting to a network where you need to know the password.
I set out to write a top 10 for getting over it but quickly realized that such a list might inadvertently trivialize deep wounds.
When we are reading and studying the Bible, we often focus on the main characters, rarely considering those who are members of the faceless, nameless “crowd.”
As leaders in our communities of faith, we need to make sure that our people know the resources available to them when they are in spiritual need.
You live and breathe, so you matter, which means you have every right to speak up. Period.