You really want to follow Jesus? You want to gain life with him through the resurrection? You first must join him at the uncomfortable cross!
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You really want to follow Jesus? You want to gain life with him through the resurrection? You first must join him at the uncomfortable cross!
What I am about to say will sound so elementary that I risk losing you, my reader, before I even get to the end of this paragraph. But here goes. I want you to read your Bible.
While the day was successful in terms of accomplishing my agenda, I realized that my greatest achievement on that day was that I got out of bed – despite the mental odds, self-doubt, and insecurities.
We can get so paralyzed by the complications, the insecurities, the fears, the bruises from past failures, our defenses and the many other things that make up life’s big ball of yarn.
In a world that values productivity – doing more and more – Jesus reminds us that faithfulness is greater fruit than fame. There’s always work to do … so we must begin in prayer.
Hate is about controlling others, while love is about becoming vulnerable to them. Vulnerability opens us up to suffering because people will inevitably hurt us.
When are you keeping quiet when you suspect something isn’t working, and why?
This conviction – that God is already in our homes, our Zoom calls, our neighborhoods and parks – offers us a vibrant and hopeful invitation.
When you are thrown off balance by a comment, a criticism, a conflict, a failure, a judgement, or a surprise topic at an elders’ meeting, do you have a verbal recovery plan?
I fear Christians are doing decision-making the wrong way. We are not lone wolves who must discern the will of God on our own. Spiritual gifts like discernment are given for the common good.
Next time you feel the savage overcoming the serene, try taking a moment to experience some element of nature.
But are pomegranates and icons really on par with one another? After all, it is not like pomegranates were put in the temple to represent the image of God like Rublev’s icon of the hospitality of Abraham depicts the Trinity.
I now know (with all my heart) that I am deeply loved. Not because I have minimized my sin and helped others manage theirs, but simply because I exist.
Readers of Scripture are inherently also interpreters of Scripture, and if we are not careful with our interpretation, or if we are ignorant of how we interpret, then we can dangerously warp and misuse Scripture.
Too many Christians today are trying to be like traditional fishermen, more obsessed with killing than with catching people alive.
Although the app I was using intended this breath practice to inspire self confidence, it triggered my memory of the practice of breath prayers.
We must desire to feast on God’s living word daily so that we can truly find nourishment and growth. Without it, we will surely die of malnutrition.
While the wise men sought to find Jesus, I watched a man yelling at police officers at the U.S. Capitol building while holding a flag with a Christian fish and the name of Jesus.
Special days and seasons tend to have a polarizing effect on our emotions and spiritual lives. Do you feel this every year too?
The first lesson of Christmas is to keep showing up even when your miracle hasn’t.