All in Church
Interviewing for a ministry position is like interviewing for any other job – and yet it is completely different.
Sometimes it feels like we human beings are hard-wired to sabotage our own health simply by focusing our attention upon the wrong kinds of things.
When we are fully engaged in singing, when we are expending our breath (spirit, wind) in honor of God, the Divine Breath is within us.
From an early age, we convince ourselves that by blaming our sin on someone else, we might be redeemed. We need the scapegoat.
If your church is feeling a little stuck, one thing to consider is whether your leadership group has a healthy, vibrant understanding of ministry.
Harold and his flock live in the express lane of a cyber-world, not in some serene pasture--and yet he longs to be a biblical shepherd.
As protest and demonstrations swept the nation, united by the banner of #BlackLivesMatter, many (mostly) white churches remained quietly disengaged.
It happens in every congregation sooner or later – that time when someone’s entire world is turned upside down.
When anything controversial comes up, people get tense and become super afraid of what might happen.
Peter Steinke presents cogent wisdom to guide leaders to be non-anxious in the midst of all sorts of anxiety-producing realities that are found in churches today.