My first favorite memory verse was around age 14, and it happened to be Exod. 14:14, “The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to keep still.” Hmm, wonder if there’s something to that.
All tagged women in church work
My first favorite memory verse was around age 14, and it happened to be Exod. 14:14, “The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to keep still.” Hmm, wonder if there’s something to that.
When you are thrown off balance by a comment, a criticism, a conflict, a failure, a judgement, or a surprise topic at an elders’ meeting, do you have a verbal recovery plan?
I watch people talk to each other like other people watch a football game, and Shark Tank is one of my favorite shows for observation and learning.
Speaking to an audience can be a conspicuous and vulnerable place, just like being a female minister.
If you’re a male minister and have had gender inclusion on your mind for a short while or long while, you are among many ministers who are in the same boat, and the struggle is real.
The answer is not for your female ministers to be less; it’s for all of us to lead in such a way that only God’s name can be praised.
When I asked my fellow female ministers what they want their elders to know, here are a few of the responses they shared.
Summer can be a valuable opportunity for growth and new experiences, and in ministry it can also provide an opportunity for students to contribute at a higher level.
As I watch my daughters grow in their relationship with Christ and start to discover their gifts as empowered by the Father, I am worried.
The dichotomies present in one outfit feel suffocating. How is she supposed to look attractive but not too attractive, fashionable but not young?
We all long to have our callings witnessed, affirmed, and celebrated by others.
The Churches of Christ are in the midst of change. Many of our congregations are moving away from our legalistic, sectarian roots in the direction of grace and ecumenical partnership. But change is hard.
Who inspired you to be in ministry? It’s a question many of us can answer, but how often do we stop to consider if we have passed along the same gift?
There are spiritually gifted women in every church who need the opportunity to exercise their gifts as they submit fully to God for the sake of the kingdom.
Churches have followed the few commands that silence women, but ignored the material that shows God intends for women to have complete involvement in every aspect of church life.
It was preaching that drew Christians out to fields for the revivals of the Great Awakenings, and it is preachers today who continue to impact the minds of congregants.
We must have a vision of possibilities for the future. Local congregations ought to consider how they are helping others develop a vision for ministry.