When the stakes are high, the words that come out of our mouths are our strongest witness, only trumped by our nonverbal communication. For this article, I’m going to focus on the words.
All tagged judgment
When the stakes are high, the words that come out of our mouths are our strongest witness, only trumped by our nonverbal communication. For this article, I’m going to focus on the words.
Could it be that from this point on, the Christian church should be about movement and the spreading of this tent to the ends of the earth?
Would you like an apple? They’re a prized variety with supernatural vitamins. Come on; eat one! It’ll open your eyes to good and evil.
There’s an ugliness I face every time I write a sermon: competition. I compete with myself, and I compete with the guys.
The most important things in life are things you can’t buy. Go outside more. Step back for a minute. God is closer than you think.
We shouldn’t be judgmental, right? Saturday morning cartoons and countless sitcoms have taught us as much.
The church has rightly discarded anxious and fearful revivalist eschatologies, but have we replaced them with a healthier perspective? I call us to embrace a biblical view of the last things .
I want to take that notion of being responsible to others instead of for others, and apply it to the church.
Once there was a selfish man who died and went to heaven. When he arrived he was greeted at the front door by Jesus.
It sounds good on the surface, but it's actually difficult to explain how it works in real life.
There is a sort of madness in Christianity these days. And not just the fact that everyone seems to be mad.
Jesus wants to turn this around on us, because the source of judginess is an ungodly belief that I’m better than you, and that leads to demonizing, hating, and fearing the other.