Equipping for Ministry: Coming Soon to a Texas City Near You
Each spring we partner with the ACU Alumni and University Relations team to take the Siburt Institute on the road to several Texas cities. With four of these Equipping for Ministry gatherings coming up soon, we caught up with events coordinator Renee Paul and executive director Carson Reed to learn more about this resource.
What can people look forward to about the experience of attending one of these gatherings?
Ministers and other church leaders look forward to meeting with Siburt Institute staff, engaging with a special guest speaker from ACU’s faculty or other thought leaders, and reconnecting with other church leaders in their area. Of course, this takes place over a great meal and lots of encouraging conversation!
These events are called Equipping for Ministry. Does someone need to be a full-time congregational minister in order to come?
Not at all! Equipping for Ministry is for anyone who serves churches, whether you are a volunteer, elder, small group leader, or minister. We welcome all Christ-followers interested in vibrant churches and healthy church life.
Can you tell us about this year’s speakers and the topics they’ll explore?
Our first stop is Houston (January 27), where we’ll hear from Randy Harris, popular instructor of Bible, missions and ministry and spiritual director for the College of Biblical Studies and Siburt Institute. As Randy speaks about “Spiritual Formation in a Secular Age,” we’ll learn how to form people into the image of Christ when the world is constantly changing.
Next we’ll gather in Dallas/Fort Worth (February 27) with Jeff Childers, who teaches Bible, Christian history, and languages at ACU. Jeff will help us explore the topic “Growing Christian: The Transformative Links Between Worship, Faith, and Community.” If you’ve ever wondered how the ancient practices of the early church can speak to congregational life today, this gathering is for you!
Our final two stops are in Austin (March 24) and San Antonio (March 25) with Robert Oglesby, who coordinates the Ministers’ Support Network and directs the Center for Youth and Family Ministry. Robert’s topic at both events is “Looking for Zs in Your Church,” with a look at what parents and preachers must understand and do to capture the soul of Generation Z.
How about a little story time? Tell us about someone interesting you met at a past Equipping for Ministry event or an interesting conversation you had with someone.
Last year we met a new elder from a relatively new church, who was eager to ask questions about how to raise up new leaders in their growing congregation. This new elder got to meet other church leaders from his city and got some great book resources to help him with his questions.
It seems people continue to grow busier and busier. Why should someone carve out the time to join us at Equipping for Ministry?
There are so many things vying for our time and attention these days. Because of that, it becomes even more important that we find ways to “fill our cup,” so to speak. Equipping for Ministry is designed to do just that. The event is a few hours for you to set aside the busyness of life and enjoy good food, link arms with co-laborers in ministry, and let someone else pour into you. You never know what connections you may find or what nuggets of wisdom you can apply. Our hope is that you leave refreshed and full.
We hope to see you soon!
Visit the Equipping for Ministry page for more details and to RSVP, and contact Renee Paul if you have any questions.