Loving God, we gratefully receive your gift of life. Mysterious Spirit, we welcome the new life you are growing in us.
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Loving God, we gratefully receive your gift of life. Mysterious Spirit, we welcome the new life you are growing in us.
Who I am as a disciple constructs and nurtures my being, while the various forms of leadership that may come to me are things, tasks or roles that I do.
May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
be blessed!
He is the compassionate Father and God
of all comfort.
The truth of the matter is that God is always with me. If I allow that truth to shape and form me then my life will never be the same.
One thing: Jesus. Three things to do: forget the past, focus on heaven, and press on till you get there.
The world seems to be tearing itself apart these days, and even the smallest act of creativity is needed. Good luck out there.
In our desire to avoid pain, we essentially create pain for others. It’s a dreadfully powerful cycle and we are scarily and impressively loyal to it.
Our biggest strength is that we trudge about in a world filled with darkness and death and decay and desperately try to love.
O Jesus, man of sorrows and suffering, hear me.
From the desire of being known,
deliver me, Jesus.
All of them need a little light in the midst of the darkness. I want nothing more than to bring a little light into the darkness.
Christmas is when we recall that the King was born, and reigns forever more, and that the arrival of Christ signaled the expiration date on all other kingdoms.
Jesus needs people who are willing to imagine a different future, and step out on faith. Jesus needs dreamers in his life. Always has.
Salvation is a way; along that path the very character of God is sprouting up—love, faithfulness, righteousness, and peace.
Brené Brown and her writing on vulnerability and shame have made waves throughout the West as millions are finding help and healing in her work.
Many times I pray for God to let me see people through his eyes, and every once in a while I allow that to happen.
It is simple moments that foster reverence in the human heart as we begin to know God through the “ordinary” tasks of daily life.
Dear one, that star, burning far in the distance, reminds me of you. I knew you would be here, so I modeled its interstellar dance after your fire and passion.
Every great spiritual teacher has instructed their students to practice this way of praying on a daily basis.
Perhaps we need to look on those in jail with more humility and grace, as God looks on us sinners.
I believe we were created to know and love those who are different from us.