The little control we have over things is simply how open and receptive we are to the changes that come our way.
All in Discipleship
The little control we have over things is simply how open and receptive we are to the changes that come our way.
It’s easy to fall into a judgmental approach toward groups like the scribes and the Pharisees. Could some of the criticism Jesus levels at them could be just as easily leveled at me?
Then healing happens. God forgives, heals the wounds, and provides what is needed for a new and healthy life in him.
Holding on even though God has something else in store for me would only delay the move of God happening in my life and the lives of others.
I no longer believe that the burden is on my shoulders to prove scientifically that God exists. Rather, I believe it is my burden (and joy) to show that God exists by the way I live my life.
The mundane, ordinary things we do every day can be moments of spiritual growth. Our work can be our worship, our profession can be our praise.
For me, these rules have been helpful daily reminders for how to process and do life with God in a more effective manner, and I hope they have been the same for you.
We have to want the truth regardless of what it costs us, regardless of what we might have to sacrifice, regardless of how it is going to change our life.
Demonstrate the disciple life. Explain why and how to follow Jesus. Walk closely with them as they learn. Watch as they grow up in Christ. See them making other disciples.
Community has become such a buzzword in the American church that it seems like the miracle suave for all our ills, and in many ways it is.
It’s no wonder that it’s not only easy for me to want to share this part of Jesus with others, I simply can’t wait to do exactly that.
Jesus wants to turn this around on us, because the source of judginess is an ungodly belief that I’m better than you, and that leads to demonizing, hating, and fearing the other.
I had experiences that made me question my view of reality. But at the end of the day, I always came back to people who rooted me in to the standard thinking of our group.
I will cling to the cross because it is the only place to find reconciliation between this world’s suffering and shame and a God who claims to be good.
We like to feel like we make a difference, that people appreciate us and know that we are there. I like to be liked … and sometimes that’s a problem.
There is human goodness to be found. This is the hope of God in the world: the eternal love and light of God emanating through willing vessels to restore our fragmented world.
With perspective we gain the insight that what is old was once new; what is new will one day be old. However, Christ is still Christ; he always has been and always will be.
I desperately want to lead courageously, step out on faith, and lean into God’s dream for my church. I so want to be a strong link in that chain.
It is amazing to me how often Jesus is found eating. The book of Luke records time after time that Jesus came to dinner or told parables about parties.
Numerous factors suggest how critical it is for ministers and elders to work together collaboratively and to spend a great deal of time in prayer.