If you’ve never stopped long enough to eavesdrop on nature, you’re missing out. That pond was a sanctuary, and the birds and the bullfrogs were the choir.
All in Church
If you’ve never stopped long enough to eavesdrop on nature, you’re missing out. That pond was a sanctuary, and the birds and the bullfrogs were the choir.
Fair concerns remain about risk and logistics when it comes to relearning the virtue of Christian hospitality toward immigrants and refugees.
This small congregation’s outward reaching focus remains a central pillar of why they exist
This shift away from Europe and North America may not have an immediate impact on the church you attend, but I suspect that most of us can already see evidence of the decline.
Some in our pews have political, theological, and experiential bricks stacked so high around the borders of their souls that they are unable to hear the cries of the immigrant.
I want to take that notion of being responsible to others instead of for others, and apply it to the church.
I’ve always been slightly jealous of congregations with “real” youth groups. You know the ones I’m talking about: the ones with well-painted and decorated class rooms.
talking to each other requires skill just like giving a presentation. We already know how we should talk to each other, but we rarely converse that way on our own.
Phronesis is the wisdom drawn from experience, knowledge and insight to do the good and right thing in any particular context and moment.
We need to be very honest with ourselves. There are so many people who consider coming through the doors of our churches but choose to keep on walking.
Those actively involved in church leadership at any level need to be familiar with how to reach different people within their churches.
Children are not only a blessing; they play an essential role in the divine plan and the identity of God’s people.
We must start teaching sexual ethics with consent at the forefront of the discussion. If we don’t, we are actively teaching unhealthy sexual practices.
As a minister of a small congregation, one of the greatest blessings for me is witnessing intergenerational ministry continue to take root in the church in organic ways.
Very often people talk about being surprised. There is something about hearing a woman speak a prayer from a place of reverence and faith that feels much more right than wrong.
When you are deeply invested in something, you begin to own it. For persons in church leadership, the well-being of congregations and the effectiveness of ministries can become personal.
If you want to change a system, you have to change something about the way it relates and interacts with the other parts.
I think the church could and should offer a different kind of space: a space that welcomes authentic selves, wounds and all.
If you’ve been through an elder selection process recently, I suspect you heard one word more than any other: “No.”