Congregational leadership is often comprised of various problems that call for attention—everything from sorting out a new insurance policy to discerning the next step for pursuing God’s mission.
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Congregational leadership is often comprised of various problems that call for attention—everything from sorting out a new insurance policy to discerning the next step for pursuing God’s mission.
It is--and always has been--a problem. But I do think we can be more intentional with our new disciples in order to help them understand what God expects of them.
Consistently, Christians experience the various blessings of God, such as salvation in Christ, a loving family in his church, and physical provisions.
Some churches have to die, allowing its members to use their talents and resources elsewhere. Many churches, however, still have life in them.
we are often a thinking people. Rarely are we accused of being overly emotional. Personally, as a working minister, I sometime wish our congregations would do a bit more thinking
Not all young adults are the same, but Sachs and Bos identify major trends, encouraging churches to realign in several ways.
God may send his people to minister to a certain group or in a certain section of town that some do not want to go. He might call his people to bring a message that some don’t want to give.
There is something about faith in Christ that causes us to be the most at peace, when the world thinks we should be the most disturbed.
Slowly, over the past several decades, church and the Christian faith have moved from the center of society to the margin of society.
Spend time in our communities, become a member or a frequent attender of a black church, live in our neighborhoods, and/or send your children to predominantly black schools to experience it.
We are grateful for the ways God has blessed the life of the institute, and we are hopeful for what lies ahead!
When we preach we cast a vision, we speak a reminder, we offer a challenge, but more than anything, we invite people into the wonder of God. We extend the invitation, and that is all we can do.
Despite our intention for God to be at the center of our lives, we often lose sight of what truly matters and find ourselves running toward things that are tangential to the true goal, or even worse, completely opposite from it.
Here are some values that are present in churches that tend to distance themselves from younger adults.
Authentic spiritual bonding like this is as real as family blood ties. Maybe more so. And in some ways, as irreplaceable as blood ties.
In this article, I will share five suggestions to ministers who are interviewing for a ministry position. I have accumulated advice from mentors and my own experience on both sides of this vital process.
Frequently, leaders find themselves soaring in their respectful arenas, while suffocating at the same time. While there are many practices that are helpful, this article is designed to be a breath of fresh air.