I believe that God is present and at work in the church, the yoga studio, drug-infested neighborhoods, and anywhere else.
All tagged equality
I believe that God is present and at work in the church, the yoga studio, drug-infested neighborhoods, and anywhere else.
What does it mean to pray the Lord’s Prayer in these days, as the pandemic now shares the stage with visible and often violent social unrest?
From my experience, resistance to gender inclusion was far more about fear, conflict, and change than anything else.
To operate under the assumption that we all encounter injustice in the same way diminishes the strength that comes when we purposefully stand up for each other.
While many feel inspired by this embodiment of love and forgiveness, others believe you cannot hug away decades of racism and police brutality.
As I watch my daughters grow in their relationship with Christ and start to discover their gifts as empowered by the Father, I am worried.
Very often people talk about being surprised. There is something about hearing a woman speak a prayer from a place of reverence and faith that feels much more right than wrong.
Society had always told me that, as a woman, my voice was not worth as much as a man’s.