All tagged art

The Master’s Touch

Victor’s room looks out on a small courtyard. From his bed, he can see other buildings and a sliver of sky – just enough to be able to tell whether it’s clear or cloudy, rainy or fair. This limited view is as much as he has seen of the outside world since he was admitted to the hospital for a surgical operation that was supposed to be routine but instead was followed by serious complications.

Calling All Creatives

God created us to be creative, and if co-creating is a way that we can experience the divine—well, God is making things beautiful in their time. And God allows us to join him in that endeavor so that the world will see him, know him, and come to glorify him. 

You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught

These stories must be shared, and as adults we hold the power and the influence with which to make space for children and adults alike to tell their stories. We must look around our congregations for where we might be missing these powerful stories of diversity.