If your biggest news is about an interesting insect whose path you crossed on your walk, then you’re onto something.
All tagged OT wisdom literature
If your biggest news is about an interesting insect whose path you crossed on your walk, then you’re onto something.
If what the Breastplate of St. Patrick claims is true, then both a physical body and a congregational body can rest in its truth.
I want to delve into moral and spiritual injury, looking at ways that we as Christians, ministers, pastors, counselors, and chaplains can respond when we encounter it.
For the great dis-ease among us and in us may not be the pestilence itself, but the way we react to, ignore, and weaponize the suffering of others.
There’s power in telling a story and telling it well. And I believe that there is no more powerful story than that of God’s movement in your life.
The Psalms teach us to battle with God, praise God, thank God, scream at God, and feel with God.
To appreciate what hope means, we need a word of wisdom about our human condition that is more ancient than our American culture in the 21st century.
As ministers, we are called to counsel those who are experiencing a prayer life full of “dropped calls.”
Given that God reigns with justice, the implication here (and the direct command elsewhere) is that we would reign over creation as God would—justly.
I share another excerpt today from chapter 9, “Which Way Did They Go? The Wisdom to Lead,” words I wrote almost two years ago.
I provide this work primarily for those who may use A Life That Is Good to study or teach the book of Proverbs.
We now leave the flock of 823 proverbs safely penned in my book, to go in search of the missing 10% (92 proverbs).
Today, I share my favorite proverbs from participants in my ACU Summit class and make three observations.
Pastors and church groups in particular will love and benefit from this relevant guide regarding the message of Proverbs for today’s world.
Whenever I taught Proverbs 10–31 and had extra time, I distributed 3 x 5 cards and asked the students or seminar participants to write down proverbs or short sayings that they recalled hearing while they were growing up
I was given the opportunity to try a new spiritual exercise but after a few days passed, I found myself resisting the experience.
The Spring 2018 issue of The Priscilla Papers (a journal committed to biblical gender-equity) includes my essay: "Daughter Divine: Proverbs’ Woman of Wisdom."
Contemporary studies of leadership carry on the process of wisdom including close observation of life to formulate principles for effective leaders.
Somewhere out there is the “good life,” and we’re all scrambling to get it.