For the Beauty of the Earth (Summer 2013)
Lord, by your blessing
we are in your mountains;
foundations sunk deep into the earth,
peaks rising up, reaching for the sky.
High mountain meadows,
suspended in mid-air;
plush carpet of green,
flowers of yellow and white.
Mountain brooks bubbling,
streams determined to join creeks;
creeks falling over themselves into rivers,
a never ending journey to the sea.
The beauty of Eden repeated:
a moose standing in knee high water,
deer walking silently past our window,
exchanging glances without fear.
High sun-warmth on my face,
the sparkle of aspen leaves;
the sound of rushing water,
the smell of rain-washed forest.
Stands of Aspen and Pine
scrubbed clean by the afternoon showers;
tops stretching toward the heavens,
arms spread out in adoration.
Chipmunks with bulging cheeks,
squirrels dashing, freezing, scampering;
Hummingbirds in flight and fight,
bluebirds navigating mountain air.
Oh Lord, what beauty you have made,
in every direction we look;
sights that were we to stay long enough,
would become ordinary, commonplace.
The ordinary and commonplace;
Lord, what beauty do we miss,
our eyes blinded by the sun,
seeing beauty day after day?
Our family, gathered round this table,
our health, our work, our opportunities;
and the food prepared and set before us,
Good Lord, for all these gifts
we give out thanks and our adoration.
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