For the Preachers (#3)

For the Preachers (#3)

At the beginning of my third presentation at the Austin Graduate School of Theology, May 2014

Lord, we are torn on this last day:
      we want to go home to our families,
      we need to return to our work,
but we want to stay here just a bit longer.

We prefer to linger because of relationships:
      new friends called to the same task,
      and long-time friends we see every year.
We need more time to be together:
      to listen to each other,
      to encourage one-another.

We are also not ready to leave these studies:
      the reinvigoration we find in the Word.
We want more time for rejuvenation
      in mind and spirit, before we return home.

But while we would prefer to linger,
      our commission demands we go.
So we will return home, encouraged
      by being with dear friends,
and with the strength that only comes
      from time spent in your Word.

So Lord, as we leave,
      we have one more favor to ask.
We ask a blessing for our host:
      the Austin Graduate School of Theology:
Please be with Stan Reed, as he leads,
      and the faculty as they teach, research,
      and reach out to bless the church.
Bless all of the support staff,
      please see the sacrifices they make;
and grant a blessing to the students
      and all who support this great work.

As we have been blessed this week,
      so we ask a blessing for our family here.

In the name of the one who calls us
      to this ministry of the Word,

Limited permission is granted for reuse of this prayer in worship or other venues. If printed in any form attribution must be given as "Glenn Pemberton," Special permission is required to print three or more of these prayers at one time in any form, print, electronic, etc., and must be secured by request at

The Keeper (Futbol Fever, June 2014)

The Keeper (Futbol Fever, June 2014)

For the Preachers (#2)

For the Preachers (#2)