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Why Older Saints Still Have Value

I love older Christians. And not just because I am one. But in talking to older saints, I realize some of them wrestle with what their value to the Kingdom is.  And churches do not always do a good job of communicating worth and value. So here are three reasons I love and value what older saints bring to our community of faith.

  1. They are living examples to the goodness of God. They have stories of battles faced and won. Temptations overcome. They have long-term marriages for us to see and be encouraged. They continue to follow God year after year after year. And they show us how to die with faith and anticipation.

  2. They have lots of wisdom, individually and collectively. They have seen so much. Church issues. Sin issues. Relationship issues. Life. We need to ask them to tell their stories. Ask them for advice. Ask them what they have learned.

  3. They are prayer warriors. They have learned how to pray, and they know the value of prayer. They have the time and the faith to pray. And if prayer is as important as we say it is, they are among our greatest ministers.

So I love our older saints. I value them. I learn from them.

They bless my life.

And they help grow the Kingdom.