An Open Letter to Christians … from God

An Open Letter to Christians … from God

I love you

My children, I love you so much. My love for you is inexpressible, incomprehensible, and profoundly exhaustive. I know there is a narrative within Christian circles that suggests, “You are not worthy of God’s love.” I appreciate the humility associated with this statement, but I want you to know that you are worthy. You are worth of every bit of my love. Yes, I sacrificed my son for you. Please know that you were worth every bit of it. If I can do it again, I would, because I love you that much. My children, I know there are many mixed messages being shared about me, my son, and the core tenets of Christianity, so this letter is designed to inform you that I am aware, I am not shocked, and I am still here.

I welcome you

My children, I am still establishing my kingdom here on earth. It is not a shock to me nor should it be a shock to you that the kingdom of darkness continues to spread. I am still on a mission to establish my kingdom in the presence of darkness. Though evil is prevalent, my presence is still preeminent. I will establish this kingdom through you, and I welcome you to partner with me in establishing my kingdom.

You may be asking, “How can I partner with God?” The first and only thing I want from you right now is your heart. I can give you a list of things that you can work on, but if you can do this one favor, I will take you places that go beyond your wildest dreams. I need you to open up to me. After all, I already know you. But if you do not open yourself up to me, you will close the door of opportunity for you to experience me move through you. If we do not have an intimate relationship, then you will not see me. So I need your heart. I want you to share your secrets, questions, doubts, fears, visions and dreams with me. Share the questions you have regarding my existence. Ask me the “why” questions that are hidden in your heart. I want you to know that it is okay; I have been questioned before.

Once you are able to open yourself to me, I will be able to heal any brokenness that lives within you. Once you open up to me, I can begin to train you to be my ambassador in the world. Once you open up to me, I will be able to download the secrets and treasures I want to share with you about the kingdom.

I thank you

Often, you will hear sermons from the pulpit that is often centered on the necessity for you to make some type of improvement. In many ways, I inspired these messages because I believe in your potential. Nonetheless, this time, I want to inform you know that I thank you. I thank you for being faithful. I thank you for having open ears and an open heart. I thank you for leaning into me in spite of all of the rumors you have and continue to hear concerning my existence and involvement in the world. I thank you for serving in the kingdom. I thank you for being a light and a presence in this world. I thank you for allowing me to show up in your life today. I thank you for what you are going to do for me today. My children, I thank you.

Sincerely, God

I am proud of you!

P.S. “You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone” (2 Cor. 3:2).

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