

I've not been able to blog for several days now, and don't know if or when I will be able to do so again. The only way I can explain it is that I am simply heartbroken. Heartbroken for so many innocent lives that will be lost if we continue down this path to war. Heartbroken for refugees still looking for a home, but no one will take them. Heartbroken for the hungry here and abroad, while we throw money away. Heartbroken for all the hatred being spewed on television and through social media. And heartbroken most of all that so much of the hatred is coming from those professing to be believers, Christ-followers. No wonder the world has no use for Christianity, when we prove ourselves to be no more like God than the world around us. Heartbroken for God.

My spirit is heavy and if I were to blog (or preach), I could not escape coming back to these topics. Unfortunately or fortunately perhaps, my physical condition does not permit me to stay in this space long enough to write more than this one note. And so I must take a temporary leave, at least until I can find something else worth the time of writing and your time of reading.

I pray for us, for our nation, for those looking for home and food, for North Korea and its millions of innocent people, for the church world-wide. I pray for strong prophetic voices to arise among us and speak words that matter, and I pray God's strength for them when they are crucified for what they say or write. And most of all, I suppose, I pray for God's broken heart at seeing us today.


Unarmed Empire: A Book Review

Unarmed Empire: A Book Review

Shadow Stalking

Shadow Stalking