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For London and Britain

Lord, it’s true you have been our help,
        generation after generation.
Before you gave birth to mountains,
        to the earth or inhabited world,
from forever to forever, you are God.

But while a thousand years are a day
        or like a brief time at night,
it’s not so for humans—we are like
        green grass in summer heat,
        a passing dream at night.
We may live to a ripe old age,
        but even if we do—
and we have been among the lucky,
        at best our lives are filled with tears.
Please return to us, Lord!
        Please waste no time! Be quick!
Have compassion for us—
        for so many families in pain.
Fill us in the morning
        with your faithful love,
so we can rejoice and be glad,
        instead of attending another funeral,
        instead of another day of mourning.

Lord, may your mercy extend over us,
        may our children see your work.            


(Note: With credit to Psalm 90 from which I have rewritten for this prayer.)

Limited permission is granted for reuse of this prayer in worship or other venues. If printed in any form attribution must be given as "Glenn Pemberton," Special permission is required to print three or more of these prayers at one time in any form, print, electronic, etc., and must be secured by request at