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For Those We Cannot See - A Prayer

Lord, we confess our tendency,
        to pray for our interests, our people;
our tendency to wrap up our wish list,
        in the form of holy prayer:
baptized in holy water
        in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
but still reeking with the smell of a grave:
        three days old, three nights rotten cold.

Yes, Lord, we want what is best for our own
        at the least cost to my wallet or conscience;
we resent the call to provide what another needs,
        at a cost to our comfort or our security.
And we know that such a call does not come from others,
        this political party or that political party – but from you.
And we are ashamed, we who so want to claim this place
        a Christian nation, but operate so far from your heart.

So today we pray that you help us see
        the people, the needs, beyond our vision;
blinded by privilege we cannot see,
        protected by the sheer grace of birth.

Help us see those once (oh God, please),
        once kept chained beneath porches, in cellars;
those in what we once called sanatoriums, asylums –
        now state schools and mental hospitals.

Help us see those unable to be in public spaces,
        those suffering all types of pain and disability;
to see those we drive safely around,
        children who are hungry, parents desperate.

In time, Lord, we need your help to see beyond
        our borders, our insulation from a world in need;
but for now, it would be enough if we could only see here,
        if our crusty hearts would break, if we could cry for others.

And with broken hearts, in full view of your heart,
        we would stop our tantrums about how unfair it is –
that we must pay for what others need (their fault or not),
        dear God, can we hear ourselves?

You are the one who teaches us about sacrifice,
        giving to others (us) what we do not deserve;
remind us, Lord, that to love others (as ourselves)
        always comes at a cost – for you, a son.

So with fresh vision and renewed hearts help us attend
        and pay for the man across the road,
        the man we don’t even know.
Help us to live out the heart of the gospel:
        to love you with all our hearts,
        and to love our neighbor as we love self.


Limited permission is granted for reuse of this prayer in worship or other venues. If printed in any form attribution must be given as "Glenn Pemberton," Special permission is required to print three or more of these prayers at one time in any form, print, electronic, etc., and must be secured by request at