On Reading Genesis 3-11 (2014)
What was it like then, Lord?
And what would it be like now,
if only—
In the moments after creation
—the big bang—
or however we might describe it.
What was it like when you walked
with humans at the close of day?
What was it like when you could look
and say, “That’s good!”
What was it like when people lived together
without shame and blame?
What was it like before human dominion
turned into human exploitation?
We wonder Lord, because we look,
and we see things have changed—
In our world volcanoes erupt;
earthquakes and tsunamis strike
killing thousands.
In our world sometimes spouses fight;
husbands become abusive,
wives berate and belittle.
In our world, dear God, children,
children make bombs and
find guns to kill other children.
Worse, children are abused,
forced to work in fields—
while other children starve.
We can’t help but wonder:
what would our world be like,
if instead of distrusting you,
and taking life into our own hands,
we had believed you?
We do believe Lord that you
look out for our best interests;
we trust that you know how life
works bests, how to really live.
But it is in the moment,
when the fruit is in front of us,
and what you say goes against
what we want that we falter…
So we reach out
and take the fruit
that teaches good and evil:
an Apple computer or a Blackberry,
or perhaps a Banana daiquiri.
And for a while, we must say,
it looks like we were the ones
who knew what was best for us—not you.
In fact, it is hard to see the connection
between all that is wrong in this world,
and our foolish decision to trust ourselves.
That’s why we wonder what it was like—
and what it would be like today,
if we did not, everyone of us, at some point
decide you were holding out on us—
that you were afraid of us,
and what we might become.
What would that world be like?
Even as we pray for a new heaven
and a new earth—with no more tears;
the full presence of your kingdom.
In the name of our king, amen.
Limited permission is granted for reuse of this prayer in worship or other venues. If printed in any form attribution must be given as "Glenn Pemberton, mosaicsite.org/glennpemberton." Special permission is required to print three or more of these prayers at one time in any form, print, electronic, etc., and must be secured by request at gdp05b@acu.edu.