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A Little Hope - Before Surgery (2014)

Note: Next Thursday, July 31 (2014), I will go back into surgery to implant a morphine pump and remove an ineffective neuro-stimulator.

Lord, a little hope is a good thing,
        a little light,
        a little newness,
        a little chance.

And I am grateful for a chance to live
        with less pain,
        with fewer drugs,
        with new life.

But I’m frightened, afraid Lord,
that this time will be like the time before,
and the time before that  - five times:
        a little relief,
        for a little time,
        before the pain rages out of control,
        angry for the insult,
        worse than before.

I’m told this surgery has changed lives,
        I would like to add my name to the list.
        I would like to donate my chair to another.
        I would like to take long walks again.
        I would like to stand when I teach.

But I know this surgery will not
        fix the problem,
        provide a cure,
        make all my pain go away.

So I pray for reasonable hope,
        for your gracious care,
        for rapid recovery,
        for a measure of relief,
        for patience in all things.

In the name of the one who healed the lame,

Limited permission is granted for reuse of this prayer in worship or other venues. If printed in any form attribution must be given as "Glenn Pemberton," Special permission is required to print three or more of these prayers at one time in any form, print, electronic, etc., and must be secured by request at