Five Things I Would Do Right Now if I Were the Devil | Mosaic
Five Things I Would Do Right Now if I Were the Devil

Five Things I Would Do Right Now if I Were the Devil

I think the pandemic has given Christians a great opportunity to share their faith. People are looking for answers. They are hungry for hope. They are receptive.

There are Christians seizing this opportunity. Some churches are actively equipping members to be engaged in making disciples. And many Christians and churches I know would never fall for any of Satan’s lies.

But if I were Satan, here are five things I would do to be sure the church fumbles this opportunity.

  1. Politics. Get Christians to expend lots of energy trying to convince each other the right way to vote. Maybe even try to cause division. Make non-believers confused about Republican churches and Democrat churches.

  2. Masks. I would try to make mask wearers think they don't trust God. And make non-mask wearers think they don't love their neighbors. Even better if I can get some Christians to invest emotionally in this.

  3. Energy. I would try to make sure church leaders are exhausted figuring out how and when to open up. Maybe could even get some people arguing about that. Even criticizing the church down the road for not doing it correctly. Use the whole love God/love you neighbor thing as a weapon. Maybe they won't have any time or energy left to reach people.

  4. Church. Get churches competing for online viewers. Make smaller churches feel inferior. Have leaders spend a ton of time convincing Christians that online church is just like the real thing, then have them spend a lot of time convincing these same Christians that online is not nearly as good as meeting in person. Mixed messages are always helpful. And with some luck, maybe Christians will become even more passive about their faith. And be sure they do not feel capable of doing any worship on their own. Passive worship is our friend.

  5. Fear. Above all, scare everyone. Scared people will not be a threat to steal my followers and make them disciples. So maybe I could get Christians scared about the election. Or about dying from COVID. Or scared to get out of their homes. Scared of the future. Scared the past is over for good. Get leaders scared about numbers, budget, and programs. Maybe even get all the ministers afraid for their jobs.

Well, if I were Satan, these would be some things I would try. Probably wouldn't work. But he has to do something. If not, there may be an explosion of kingdom growth. Not structured. Not organized. Just kingdom busting out all over. Followers making more followers.

Completely unacceptable if you are Satan.

So remember Satan is a liar and do not fall for his tricks.

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