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Top 10 Posts in 2018

As 2018 draws to a close, here’s a look back on the posts with the highest readership this year. What were some of your favorites?

10. Envisioning the Dream of Ministry

by Anessa Westbrook

“We must have a vision of possibilities for the future. Local congregations ought to consider how they are helping others develop a vision for ministry.”

9. The Women’s Issue

by Amy Bost Henegar

“Churches have followed the few commands that silence women, but ignored the material that shows God intends for women to have complete involvement in every aspect of church life.”

8. Is There Power in the Pulpit?

by Amy McLaughlin-Sheasby

“It was preaching that drew Christians out to fields for the revivals of the Great Awakenings, and it is preachers today who continue to impact the minds of congregants.”

7. A Missional Plea for Christian Pacifism

by Jason Locke

“Historically speaking, pacifism appears the unquestioned stance of the New Testament and the early church.”

6. Five Keys to Reviving a Dying Church

by Jason Locke

“Some churches have to die, allowing its members to use their talents and resources elsewhere. Many churches, however, still have life in them.”

5. The Darker Side of Christmas

by Justin Simmons

“For the first time in my life I am having to balance the grief that comes with loss and the joy of the Christmas season.”

4. Moralizing Food Is Hurting the Church

by Celeste Smith

“God created us and said ‘this is good.’ Yet, we all feel so bad. If you are fat or have fat you have failed.”

3. Leaving Church: What I’m Learning

by Jen Hale Christy

“It seems to be true that when you work for a church, the ups and downs and gains and losses have a deeper significance than in other industries.”

2. Seven Reasons Women Oppose Change

by Amy Bost Henegar

“The Churches of Christ are in the midst of change. Many of our congregations are moving away from our legalistic, sectarian roots in the direction of grace and ecumenical partnership. But change is hard.”

1. Same-Sex Intimacy and the Old Testament

by Glenn Pemberton

In truth, Glenn dominated our top 20 list this year, particularly with posts from his series on same-sex intimacy and the Old Testament.