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Thanksgiving Roundup

While many of us take a break from our normal rhythms and responsibilities this week to spend time with loved ones, we at Mosaic are doing the same.

Thus, in lieu of fresh material today, allow me to share a few “golden oldies” from our archives. As Mosaic’s managing editor, I have the privilege of reading every article on this blog and its predecessor, and I have gathered up some of my favorites that reflect on Thanksgiving, gratitude, table fellowship, and food!

Wherever you find yourself this Thanksgiving season, may you experience joy and love.

A Time to Be Thankful

“Lord, Almighty God.
It takes little effort to see
        that some are blessed,
        others not.
Your blessings fall heavy
        on some,
while bombs fall heavy
        on others.”

—Glenn Pemberton

Thanksgiving as Color Vision

“When we neglect to give God thanks, our hearts become darkened, and we perceive everything in shades of grey. Our minds spin in futility, unable to grasp the reality of colors beyond our grasp.”

—Matthew Dowling

The Table: A Place to Gather, Share, and Remember

“When we sit at the table with another, we participate in the long-practiced tradition of gathering, remembering, and sharing.”

A Seat at the Table: A Holiday Reflection

“Tables have this way of being universally exclusive, and it seems this principle is as old as the advent of the table itself.”

—Taylor Hammett

The Spiritual Gift of Grub

“It is amazing to me how often Jesus is found eating. The book of Luke records time after time that Jesus came to dinner or told parables about parties.”

—Daniel McGraw

The Spirituality of Tomato Soup

“It is simple moments that foster reverence in the human heart as we begin to know God through the ‘ordinary’ tasks of daily life.”

—Kelly Edmiston