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You Cannot Grow a Family Without New Births

Dying churches. You see them everywhere. Losing members, selling off property, worried about the future.  All of them desperately seeking the elusive answer that will reverse the decline.  So churches change ministers, look for new programs, and start up new ministries.  They often turn inward and develop a martyr complex.  Everyone is against them, and the lack of growth must be because they alone are faithful.  They become afraid to try anything new and keep hoping that what worked twenty years ago will somehow work today.

Or they get so desperate that they will try anything. Change worship, dress the preacher differently, and reject any program or ministry older than ten years.  Do not do anything that will offend anyone.  Be overly sensitive to the culture around you.  Be well-liked and popular.  Never mind that outsiders do not see much difference between you and the local civic clubs.

Well, maybe I am exaggerating some, but not as much as I wish I was.

But I have found the secret to growing your church. I can tell you how to expand the Kingdom of God.  I can tell you how your church family can get bigger and bigger.  The secret is found in one simple truth.

You cannot grow a bigger family without new births.

Church growth is about telling outsiders about the good news of Jesus and inviting them to become part of his story.

You can talk about worship styles, preaching techniques, evangelism programs, and new ministries. But it all comes down to this.  At the core being of your church, you have to be making disciples.  New disciples who will make more new disciples.

Inspire your brothers and sisters to live such radical lives for Jesus that others will want to know about the hope you have. Serve people with such love that they will want to know why you care so much.

Pray for opportunities to talk to non-believers about Jesus. Be ready with answers when God grants those opportunities.  Have the courage to seize those opportunities.

Celebrate the new births/baptisms in your community of faith. Help them grow to be productive disciples.  Teach them how to share their faith with others.

It really is a simple concept.

New births make growing families.

And families die without new births.